Leadership Awards
1. Activity Forms
- Activity forms should only list those activities which are organized by MYSA and approved by a MYSA leader. Only those activities recorded in the activity form are counted.
- Activity forms should be submitted to the MYSA Leadership Awards staff immediately after they are fully completed.
- Points earned during the annual MYSA Championships in early December will also count. The final deadline for submission of the forms is three days after the annual MYSA Championships.
2. Point System
- When awarding points, special consideration will be given to volunteers who are 13 years old or younger as they have less opportunities to earn points.
- Volunteers over 13 years old can earn points for their various MYSA activities. The MYSA Leadership Awards staff will review and approve the awarding of points in all applications.
- The final list of award winners must be approved by the MYSA Executive Council and be signed by the MYSA Director.
- The list of winners list will be approved before or by early January. The award winners will be informed by MYSA leaders immediately after the list is approved.
3. Payment of Awards
- The number of annual Leadership Awards will depend on the availability of funds.
- The maximum annual amount for an award winner is Ksh 10,000. The award will be paid directly by cheque to the school or training institution chosen by the award winner.
- All award winners must submit to the MYSA Leadership Awards staff the official prospectus and fee structure of their school or training institution which must be officially stamped and signed by the head of the institution as well as a parent or guardian. The institution must have a bank account as all payments shall be made by cheque.
- The main aim of the Leadership Awards Project is to help talented young volunteers and leaders to stay in school or otherwise improve their qualifications for employment. Consequently, the awards should only be used for the education or training of the award winner.
- In exceptional cases the award may be transferred to their brother or sister or their own wife or child if the award winner is already in reasonable employment and their brother, sister or wife is an active MYSA member.
- In such exceptional cases the award winner must submit a written statement explaining the reasons and basis for transferring the award.
- The awards will not be paid to schools or training institutions outside Nairobi.
- If the activity forms or associated statements and documents are found to contain any false information, that person shall be immediately disqualified. If part or all of an award has already been paid, that person must repay that same amount to MYSA within a reasonable period or face possible prosecution for fraud and other disciplinary measures.
4. Postponed Payments
- If the award winner is still in a primary school where there are no fees to be paid, they can receive some funds for paying for their primary school uniforms and textbooks with the remaining balance to be paid when they start secondary school.