Drug-Free Workplace
1. Policy statement
- It is the policy of MYSA to maintain a safe and productive workplace free of drugs. MYSA employees are expected and required to report to work on time and in appropriate mental and physical condition for work. It is MYSA’s intent and obligation to provide a healthy, safe and secure work environment.
2. Drug-free commitment
- Any employee reporting to work who uses controlled substances or dispenses or sells controlled substances on MYSA property or while doing MYSA business will be subject to corrective action which may include termination for a first offense.
- MYSA also prohibits the possession, use, solicitation or sale of illegal drugs or alcohol away from the organization premises, Such activities or involvement adversely affects the employee's work performance and the safety of the employee or others and puts the MYSA's reputation at risk.
3. Dealing with drug abuse problems
- Although MYSA retains the right to terminate employment at will, employees needing help in dealing with drug abuse problems will generally be encouraged to seek professional assistance. Conscientious efforts to seek such help will not jeopardize any employee's job and will not be noted in any personnel record.
- MYSA shall make information available to its employee about drug counselling, rehabilitation and any special employee’s assistance programmes. The aim of making such information available to employees who voluntarily seek assistance is to help, rather than discipline, the employee.
4. Reporting drug related convictions
- An employee must, as a condition of employment, abide by the terms of this statement and report in writing to his supervisor any conviction under a criminal drugs statute for violations occurring on or off the MYSA premises while conducting MYSA business. That report must be submitted within five (5) days after the conviction.
- Within ten (10) days of receiving notice of an employee's conviction for a violation of a drug statute, the supervisor must report such a conviction, including the position title of the convicted employee, to the Human Resources Manager. Within thirty (30) days after such notice, MYSA must take disciplinary or remedial action.